So, you’ve heard about Shamanic Reiki and you’re wondering if this is your next step. How do you know if you were called to be a Shamanic Reiki healer? Here are 7 signs Shamanic Reiki is your purpose.
1. You Feel a Deep Connection to Nature
If you step into nature to ground yourself, take joy from walking barefoot in the grass, receive messages or feelings of love when you sit under a tree, or simply enjoy the feeling of the sun on your skin, this may be Mother Earth whispering to you. Shamanic Reiki works closely with nature and Mother Gaia to facilitate healing, and feeling called to nature in your waking life may be a sign you are called to use the elements in your healing journey.
2. You Are Experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul
Shamanic Reiki calls us to dive deep into our own healing and face the wounds, limiting beliefs, and traumas that have been stored in our subconscious minds. Healing work of this depth is not for the faint of heart, but chances are if you are experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul, you already have the courage to face your shadows and do the deeper work Shamanic Reiki entails.
3. You See Spirits, Angels, or Other Spiritual Helpers
If you see helpers from the spirit world during your waking life or your sessions, chances are they are showing up to guide you deeper in your healing journey. The spirit realm has an abundance of wisdom waiting for us, but we must be open to receiving it first. If you are already seeing, sensing, or hearing friends from the spirit world around you, then you are already halfway to creating a working relationship with your spiritual guides.
4. You Feel Called to Heal Deeper Wounds and Traumas
In contrast to traditional Usui Reiki, Shamanic Reiki guides us to deal with deeper, heavier, and more intense energies. If you intuitively feel called to heal deeper issues like childhood traumas, addictions, abandonment issues, intrusive thoughts, and more, then you may be called to walk the path of a Shamanic healer.
5. You Have Spiritual Gifts, But Don't Know How to Use Them
If you feel an innate sense of connection with something greater than yourself, or know you have a spiritual gift like clairvoyance, this is your opportunity to fully awaken and experience the power of these gifts. Whether you see twinkles out of the corner of your eye through clairvoyance or you know something is going to happen before it does through claircognizance, the ability to perceive things beyond the physical realm is a strong sign you are called to dive deeper on your healing and spiritual journey.
6. You Feel Unsettled, Restless, or Disconnected in Your Current Life or Practice
Feelings of dis-ease, restlessness, or discomfort are often our soul’s way of telling us that life has more in store for us. If you are feeling unfulfilled by your current life situation or practice, this could be a sign that you are ready to step into a new reality and unleash your inner power, and Shamanic Reiki is a fantastic way to do that.
7. You Feel Called to Work with Your Intuition and the Spirit Realm in a Tangible Way Feelings of dis-ease, restlessness, or discomfort are often our soul’s way of telling us that life has more in store for us. If you are feeling unfulfilled by your current life situation or practice, this could be a sign that you are ready to step into a new reality and unleash your inner power, and Shamanic Reiki is a fantastic way to do that.
Shamanic Reiki offers us an opportunity to combine the Divine healing of Reiki energy with the powerful healing potential of nature and the spirit world. Whether you feel called to embark on a journey of deep, transformational self-healing or to become a Shamanic Reiki practitioner, embracing this path is a life changing experience. All the love, Isabel Wells ReikiCafe University
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