Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders in the world, but is it possible that anxiety and intuition are just two sides of the same coin?
The Chakras provide a lens through which we can approach our world, our lives, and our healing. Each Chakra represents a domain of life, a facet of the human experience. Whether that is identity and motivation in the Solar Plexus or clear communication in the Throat, the Chakras offer us perspectives through which we can understand what it means to heal.
Because each Chakra represents its own domain, emotions present differently in each Chakra. Things like sadness, anger, and anxiety will manifest differently depending on which Chakra the emotion resonates with. Keep reading for a reference guide on how anxiety and intuition manifest in each Chakra, and be sure to check out our corresponding podcast episode here.
As a species, anxiety is rampant in our lives. While the majority of the human race lives under a veil of chronic stress, anxiety has also proven to be the most common mental health disorders. Spirituality views anxiety as a manifestation of separation, a disconnect from the Divine, and a lack of trust in your own wisdom and ability to be okay.
Intuition, on the other hand, is a state of spiritual connection that occurs when we feel supported by something greater than ourselves and when we are able to tap into that deeper knowledge within our own beings. As we develop the ability to hear and trust our intuitions, we open the door to a deeper connection with our own innate wisdom and guidance.
In this way, anxiety and intuition are two sides of the same coin. Anxiety results from disconnection and a lack of trust, while intuition is a manifestation of trust and connection. The states are commonly thought to be mutually exclusive, meaning you can only exist in either anxiety or intuition, never both at the same time.
However, it is important to remember that although they may be two sides of the same coin, it is possible to experience both at the same time, and to hold the entire coin in your hand rather than focusing on one side at a time. This ultimate state of balance occurs when we are fully acknowledging our state as both human and Divine, and are able to experience transient emotions like anxiety while remaining connected to our deeper understanding that all is well.
Check out this video with ReikiCafe University Professors Isabel Wells and Christine Renee as they discuss how anxiety and intuition manifest in the Chakras!
If you’re curious about how anxiety and intuition manifest in each Chakra, check out this guide:
Root Chakra Anxiety: Fears about physical safety and financial security
Root Chakra Intuition: A deep seated feeling of relief; feeling safe in your body and environment; feeling grounded
Sacral Chakra Anxiety: Pressure to create/ creative block; lack of creative inspiration; fears about sex, motherhood, or pregnancy
Sacral Chakra Intuition: Connection to self as a Divine Creator; sexual comfort and ease; creative flow
Solar Plexus Chakra Anxiety: Lack of connection to the self; lack of clear identity; fears about judgment from others; fears about doing things ‘wrong’ or not living their purpose
Solar Plexus Chakra Intuition: Clarity in who you are and why you are here; motivation to pursue activities; belief in your power and ability to achieve or succeed
Heart Chakra Anxiety: Feeling disconnected from relationships; fears about your place in your society or community; panic attacks or feelings of panic
Heart Chakra Intuition: Deep sense of belonging and connection; ability to freely express love and compassion; understanding that we are all connected; ease in ‘following your Heart’
Throat Chakra Anxiety: Lump in the throat, fears about speaking your Truth; worries about how your words will be perceived; not wanting to hear the Truth from others
Throat Chakra Intuition: Ability to freely speak and communicate; understanding that words have power and meaning; ability to use words as an expression of love and the Divine
Third Eye Anxiety: Disconnection from intuition; lack of spiritual insight or understanding; fears about the greater purpose of life; fears about the future or what comes next; ‘What if’
Third Eye Intuition: Connection to your intuition; ability to see the bigger picture; understanding and clarity in the path forward; feeling of peace and purpose in life as a whole
Crown Chakra Anxiety: Disconnection from the Divine; anxieties or fears about the meaning of life; lack of understanding of why we are here; suicidal tendencies; detachment from physical form or life in general
Crown Chakra Intuition: Connection to the Divine; understanding that there is a greater meaning in all things; connection to and gratitude for life; greater sense of peace and calm.
If you’re ready to dive in to learning more about the Chakras, check out his blog post.
How do anxiety and intuition show up in your life? What do they mean to you? Comment below or share your thoughts over in the ReikiCafe Community Facebook group!
All the love,
Isabel Wells
ReikiCafe Coach
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