Balancing Your Divine Feminine & Masculine Energies
Can you imagine a life beyond duality?
A life in which your energy is balanced and harmonized, free from the constraints of social expectation or pressure? A life in which your relationships are founded on an intimate understanding of the energies flowing through your being, allowing you to come to the relationship with clarity, peace, compassion as you work together to cultivate internal balance and flow?
Suffering is, at its core, simply the existence of dualities within our lives. If we are able to understand how these dualities present themselves, perhaps we are then able to recognize these moments within our lives and work towards restoring a state of balance, or non-duality, and thus we are able to begin to unwind the very nature of suffering within.
By connecting with your innate nature as a Divine being, you can unlock the power of the Masculine and Feminine energies within, bringing both your internal and external worlds into balance, When you understand the principles of energy, and can invite both the Masculine and the Feminine to play in your life. In this space, not only is internal balance and harmony possible, it is inevitable.
A duality is the belief that anything in life is either one way or another. Think, right or wrong, male or female, good or evil, death or life and so on. When our existence is placed within frames that are mutually exclusive then we are moving away from the actual order in life. All systems eventually gravitate towards balance, which simply means that slowly the separation created via a dualistic thought softens enough where; at first, alternative perspectives are discussed and further both sides of the story are integrated, and finally the story is understood to have always been in balance it was just our frame of dualistic thought that created an fictitious separation.
Within all of us, regardless of our gender, lies both the masculine and femine energies and to live a balanced and peaceful life, one practice is to cherish both of these energies as equally as possible, with the hopeful recognition that femine and masculine energies are actually the same. If we can arrive at this level of introspection, then perhaps we can finally recognize both aspects of our being as one, we can hold our full selves in balance and we can then begin to unwind suffering.
For this process to develop we may first need to understand how these dualities present themselves. We may need to understand what is even contained within the masculine and feminine energies, how they manifest, present themselves, exist and what they each represent. From here we can, perhaps, see their actual presence within our lives and how each contrasting energy shapes our experience and decisions and also how each energy is a counterbalance to the opposite energy
We can see past the facade of the person next to us and understand that they, too, have an innate Divine nature, and we can see their true presence in our lives. Their presence beyond judgement, beyond duality. Their presence as an equal Divine Creator, and we can acknowledge how each unique presence shapes our experiences and evolution on Earth.
ReikiCafe University is offering an in-person and online training to help students learn methods to balance these sacred energies within.
Christine Renee & Bruce Taylor will offer knowledge and practices that you can use to harmonize your Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine for your full potential.
Class will be held August 15th, 2021 from 12pm-5pm, live in Bozeman, MT or join us via Zoom!
Get all of the information by visiting this link.
It is up to each one of us to balance these energies within ourselves. Be patient with yourself and love yourself where you are on your journey.
In love,
Bruce Taylor
Reiki Healer & Chakra Coach