How to Use Consistency to Build a Successful Reiki Business
At least, that's what they say. But is it really true? It is so important to show up in your business consistently, because trust is built over time. When you first start your business, immediate trust may be hard to come by. Potential clients may see that you've only been a practicing Reiki healer for a few months and shy away trusting you with their problems.
You can't change how long you've been practicing or how long you've been established, but you can change how you show up. Having consistency is one of the best ways to build trust with your clients.
Whether you develop consistency in your marketing strategy or in your social media presence, the more you show up for your business, the more you show your audience that you are present, reliable, and trustworthy.
Consistency comes in many forms. Developing consistency may mean creating a posting routine for social media or handing out fliers at local shops, or it may look like always having business cards on hand, because you never know when an opportunity will come your way.
Consistency is all about building the foundation of your business, scheduling your time, and creating a plan for how you will show up each week. It's important to know what you offer (clarity) and be able to talk about it with passion (conviction), but it's even more important to actually share that information. Consistency is key.