Here's the thing. Those boundaries and walls are illusions. They represent things others told you that you took on as your truth. They represent all the times in your childhood that someone else projected their own limitations on to you. Those limiting beliefs were never yours to begin with. They came from others, who were expressing their own stories, wounds, and pasts.
And if those beliefs were never yours to begin with, that means you can choose to let them go. You didn't choose to pick them up, but you can choose to put them down.
Get curious. Start to question your limiting beliefs. Ask yourself, 'Is that true? Can I absolutely, positively, without a doubt know that this statement (limiting belief) is true?' Be honest. Dig deep.
Ask yourself what the benefit of that limiting belief is. Does it keep you safe? Does it give you an excuse to play small? Does it keep you from having to face your fears? Does it shield you from pain? And then ask yourself if that benefit is really true. Yes, perhaps that limiting belief keeps you 'safe'... but it also keeps you from living your life fully.
Allow yourself to be curious. To explore what stories you are telling yourself, to challenge them, to find where you are holding yourself back and have the courage to put even a toe across that boundary. Because once you do, you'll realize the boundary was never there to begin with.
You hold the power here. You hold the key to unlocking your confidence, because all it takes to step into your confident self is clearing out all the gunk that is no longer serving you. Recognize the power you have to challenge your thoughts, make the changes you need, and step out of your box.
Confidence isn't elusive. It isn't outside of you, an external state of being that is bestowed upon you when you make a big breakthrough, make more money, get promoted, or live your dreams.
Confidence is within you. It is an internal power, an energy that we all carry in our hearts and at the core of our being, but we create stories and shadows that hide that power from us. The work here is not to find confidence, to grab it out of the air and lock it in to your being. The goal is to become more open, to let go of the dust that is hiding your light and recognize that everything you ever needed was already within you.
You are worthy. You are enough. And you have all you need to embody your most confident self.
In love and light,
Christine Renee
ReikiCafe University Founder and President
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