So what happens to that mindset as you grow up?
From that young age we are trained that in order to be successful and happy, work must come before play. We are taught that time is a limited resource, something we have to budget as carefully as the money we are taught doesn’t grow on trees. Our innate wisdom of the essential nature of fun and play and the illusion of time slowly fades away, replaced by schedules, to-do lists, and pressure to go, go, go.
Ironically, the further this mindset pervades our lives, the less time we have. As we begin to believe that work really does have to come before play, the rainbow of possibilities in life slowly fades away to a dull, monotonous blob of gray. We follow our schedules and do life the way it is ‘supposed’ to be done, budgeting our time and our money.
But the tighter we try to hold on to our time, money, and success, the more it slips away. As those stories of scarcity, lack, and competition fill our brain, your energy contracts, shutting off the world of possibilities you lived in as a child.
For most of us, that mindset seems far away and impossible to reach. We buried that fun-loving, present, joyful, vibrant versions of ourselves years ago, opting instead for the cookie-cutter versions of ourselves we are told to be in order to achieve success and, if we are lucky, happiness.
We have the equation backward. We believe that through our schedules, to-do lists, and tight grips of control we will find joy, abundance, and success. But that semblance of control comes at the price of our internal wellbeing and closes the flow of energy that makes us the creative beings we were meant to be.
So how do you open up? How do you set aside the gray, release your grip on time, and allow the river of abundance to finally flow in your favor?
When you allow yourself to break the mold, tear down your walls, and finally come out of your box, you welcome expansion into your life. The kind of expansion that shows you that time is an illusion, fun and play are key ingredients in the recipe of success, and that money really does grow on trees (hello, paper!).
An expansive mindset welcomes in the magic of life, connecting you to the flow of creativity and pleasure. Blockages shift, perceived threats subside, and the scarcity you believe was an imminent threat becomes like the monster under your bed- a scary story someone told you long ago.
When you look at the Life Balance Wheel, all the areas of life are laid out like pieces of a pie, each contributing equally to the overall quality of our lives. But how often do we allow work to take over, coloring every other slice?
When we were kids, there was no ‘work’. We saw the work of life as finding the most enjoyable thing to do in each moment. What would happen if we applied that way of thinking to our adult lives? If we were to switch our emphasis on work with our emphasis on fun and play?
When you allow fun and play to be the theme of your life, every other area takes on a new vibrancy. Health and Wellness, Business and Career, and even Finances start to feel like a game, as the ‘work’ of life once again becomes finding the most enjoyable experience in each moment.
By allowing your life to be an experience, one that includes the entire rainbow of possibilities, you allow yourself to reconnect with your own innate wisdom. You allow the Truth of who you are to shine through, reconnecting you to your Divinity as you follow the path of enjoyment to your true passions and purpose. In love & light, Christine Renee Reiki & Chakra Coach
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