Reiki Kids Classes Can Change the World
Children are the future.
When kids know Reiki,
they create a future of healing.
When we look into the eyes of a child, we peer deeply into a future unknown. So many possibilities exist just beyond their little feet as they grow and turn into adults that will exist as the next generation.
But let's be real. Being a child is hard!
Even if they come from the healthiest of families, children are exposed to all sorts of negative experiences, fears, and anxieties.
Many adults spend a lot of time working on their shadow-self and inner child from being traumatized throughout childhood.
Childhood can easily be seen as the most vulnerable time in our lives. Children are dependent on adults for everything from shelter to transportation to love.
Most of us were never given any tools to handle what life throws at a child. Think about what your childhood could have been like if someone gifted you with the power of Reiki when you were young.
We could have learned to self-sooth easier, balancing our nervous system and keep our body and mind in a healthier state with Reiki.
We could have used it to help our brothers and sisters.
The possibilities are endless as to what children could do with the wonderful power of Reiki healing.
Imagine the abilities Reiki practitioners could have if they had been practicing Reiki since they were very young, the same way we have to practice brushing our teeth as a child. We'd have many, many, MANY more years under our Reiki belts and we could walk into adulthood with an understanding of the spiritual nature of things and how we can make an impact in the world with our healing hands.
And let's not forget- kids just LOVE Reiki! They tend to think that giving and receiving Reiki is fun and enjoy discovering more about this amazing healing method. Reiki teaches children that there is a whole other realm that we can't always see, but we can tap into it and access it for healing and transformation.
I taught Reiki Kids for years at my local business and I can say that children and Reiki are like two peas in a pod!
Whether it's a class for homeschooled children, or open Reiki Kids classes for all, classes easily filled and children had a blast! Parents were always excited to see that their children had learned so much and felt so empowered afterward.
Here I am teaching homeschooled children how to have a Reiki circle.
If you feel the calling to share Reiki with our youngsters, you are being called to make an even greater difference for humankind! Don't take it lightly, make sure you listen and take action! There are children in your community who could use your expertise and wisdom to help them live a more empowered and healed life through Reiki.
I get this question ALL THE TIME in the ReikiCafe Community Facebook Group as well as in my online Reiki courses at ReikiCafe University. If you find yourself asking these questions, I have a few suggestions to help you get started!
Teach children all about Chakras and have them lay down on Bogus Paper and trace around each other's bodies. Have them color their Chakras and let them express that through art in any way that feels right for them.
2. Gift them with Chakra crystals
After teaching children about Chakras, gift the kids with a "medicine bag" full of tumbled stones relating to the Chakras. Explain how they can use them in their Reiki practice.
3. Have them give Reiki to their food
Practice group Reiki during snack time or the lunch break. Help them envision Reiki in their hands and say a group blessing over the food. Remind them they can do this everyday at every meal!
Click here to see the How to Teach Reiki course!
There are so many more great ideas a Reiki Master Teacher can utilize when teaching children about hands on healing. You can have access to all of my coursework by enrolling in How to Teach Reiki course at ReikiCafe University.
This course covers how to teach Reiki Level 1, Reiki Level 2, Reiki Masters, and Reiki Kids.
In a crazy world, in crazy times- we could all use a little more Reiki in our lives!! Give your children access to Reiki or teach children in your community how to join in on the Reiki fun!
If you love Reiki and you love kids, take the leap and begin teaching Reiki Kids in your community. We can help heal the world with the hands of one child at a time.
Send some distance Reiki to all the children in the world. They are angels among us. Keep them safe and loved.
Love & light always,
Christine Renee
ReikiCafe President and Founder
Reiki Business Coach/Chakra Coach