It is in this space that your energetic ties to things from the past and the energetic ties to things of the future no longer exist. When you can truly reside in the present moment- suddenly you realize that the past and the future are an illusion. The only thing that is tangible and existing at any given moment is the moment itself. The trouble is, as soon as we attain the present moment, many of us tend to jump right back out of the present moment when we get excited and acknowledge that we are experiencing it.
When we sink into a meditative trance, or dip into a deeply connected Reiki session, we all experience moments of complete release from who we know ourselves to be. Our past identities, future worries, and personal pain or suffering all fades as we sink into the infinity of the moment. But once we recognize that we are existing in the now, suddenly the moment is gone, and we are woken back up.
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