Part 1
Bernice, mother of an 11 year-old, asked me to give her son, Huxley, a series of distance Shamanic Reiki treatments to help with his recurring nightmares. They had already tried herbal remedies, chiropractic care, therapy, etc., but nothing seemed to help. Huxley woke at least once a night every night for over a year in a state of fear and panic, thinking someone was trying to kill him. The nightmares took a toll on his vibrant personality. He acted more agitated, nervous, and quiet.
In our first distance Reiki session, Huxley was joined by two Angels. They laid on either side of Huxley as he slept in bed and wrapped their wings around him to provide him a sense of security. Archangel Raphael was also present to assist in healing. Energetic cords started revealing themselves from Huxley’s body, coming out from beneath the Angel wings. They were tied to negative entities about 10 feet away. It was then that Archangel Raphael called Archangel Michael to cut the cords. The primary cord came from Huxley’s Solar Plexus Chakra, but other cords sprang from his Heart Chakra as well as his ankles, which were holding him down. Archangel Michael was about to cut the cords when Huxley sat up between his two angels and said “I’m ready”. Huxley stepped out from the paired angels, peeled off his skin with all the cords and was reborn into a new light.
The new Huxley and Archangel Michael cut the cords of the old Huxley with his sword. As Archangel Michael continued to cut away, a Goddess appeared and wrapped the new Huxley in a white light blanket. Huxley declared himself reborn into the arms of the Goddess and committed himself to her. The negative entities heard and left with 100 Angels to guide them on their way. Huxley sent them off with a blessing, “May you travel to a better place”.
Part 2
For one of our next distance Shamanic Reiki sessions, Bernice wanted to see if I could connect with Huxley’s Power Animal. I set the intention at the beginning of the session to include this desire and I immediately saw a goat!
But, I had to wait for the full visualization. It wasn’t a mountain goat, nor a common country goat. I felt that it was dry, hot, and dusty. Then I saw an African tree goat. What this represented to me was versatility, flexibility, stability in the unstable, adaptable, motivated, and able to protect itself. These were the exact characteristics that Huxley needed at this time in his life.
Part 3
Huxley had two sessions per week for a month, followed by once per week for a month, and then on an as needed basis as his nightmares completely faded away. Some sessions were simple and powerful working on brain neuron transmissions. The Reiki rewired neural connections to change Huxley’s thought patterns that had been triggering him to have nightmares.
In the process of doing these sessions, I was shown the purpose behind his nightmares. His parents were having marital issues; Bernice had left Huxley's father and moved into a separate house the year prior. Then she allowed him to move back in because she couldn’t handle the nights with a toddler and Huxley waking up numerous times a night. On a subconscious level, this was Huxley’s way to bring his parents back together.
I spoke with Bernice about this internal dilemma Huxley was experiencing regarding her relationship. She needed to either be completely committed to her husband or leave. And in staying, she needed to show Huxley that their relationship was solid and be able to communicate that to Huxley.
By the end of our work together, Huxley was back to his “normal” preteen self, confident and stable, no longer waking during the night. The parents are working on their relationship and are fully committed to each other.
Ready to learn more about Shamanic Reiki and how it can enhance your Reiki practice? Check out this video!
About a year had passed from working on Huxley and I assumed that his sleep had normalized. But, then I got a call asking for another session. Bernice relayed that his attitude was off and he was waking again at night.
When I started the session I could see myself looking down upon the scene, watching. I could see myself giving Huxley a Shamanic Reiki session working on his Heart Center and moving towards his head. Once at his head I could “see” that this was once again suppressed emotions.
I dropped down into the scene, no longer viewing from above. I turned into an angel and moved the energy with these huge wings on either side of Huxley, still standing above his head. The wings’ movement and energy helped release his stuck emotions.
Some of the suppressed emotions were tied to fear about his parents’ relationship and other suppressed emotions that were normal for his stage of development (i.e. bodily changes, girls, changing schools, about whether teachers are going to compare him to older sister, etc.). I sensed that he needed a positive male role model that was not his father, who could respond to some of these fears in a supportive way. Perhaps a relative that Huxley already looks up to.
I guided the Reiki to the Solar Plexus area to help release control over a situation that he had no control over. Then, I channeled the Reiki into his mental processes. His response to his fears was to have an attitude and to be snide in order to make himself feel confident when he's not. When he suppressed emotions it caused sleep disruption. I shared this new information with his mom so she could better understand his need to know that what he's going through is normal, and how to provide a safe space for him to share and release his emotions. In the end, Huxley’s nightmares were extinguished and his attitude adjusted to the vibrancy his mom had previously experienced! *Note: All names have been changed to protect the privacy of my clients. Ecstatically yours, Christine Renee ReikiCafe Founder
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