Understanding the Chakras: THROAT
The hub of speaking your truth...
The Throat Chakra is located at the base of the throat and is associated with the color light blue.
A balanced Throat Chakra enables one to speak with clarity and confidence. The right words can just flow freely from a person when this Chakra is open and healthy. Writing and listening are also skills that are strong with a healthy 5th Chakra.
Being able to express oneself is essential in life. If we want a life of integrity and power, we have to be able to be ourselves and say what is true to us.
Sometimes in life we experience this Chakra's energy blocked when we are forced to suppress our truth in fear of hurting another person or because our truth may cause another to be upset.
It's in these moments that we must make a choice, do we honour ourselves or do we fall victim to denying our truth as a means of feeling safe in a given situation?
When we do not choose to do what is right for us, we block the flow of energy here and over time this blockage can cause issues in the throat area or it may pour over into other Chakra centers in the energy system.
There are many ways to create balance in the Throat Chakra.
Wear light blue.
Hum or chant.
Practice stretches and yoga for the neck area.
Practicing meditations and certain pranayama exercises which focus on the throat are a great way to stimulate the throat.
But most importantly, SPEAK YOUR TRUTH! Don't be scared to be yourself and be authentically you.
And don't forget the importance of listening. When we become better listeners to the people around us this Chakra gets stronger and our relationships improve as well!
So be yourself and sing in the shower!
Love and light,
Christine Renee
ReikiCafe University President