Step into your purpose! Become the healer you know you were always meant to be.
...being rooted in your passion and purpose, and manifesting all that you desire. You welcome in the magic of a fully embodied life, with flow, synchronicities, and Dive inspiration showing up on the reg.
And yet it all seems out of reach...
You've tried #allthethings. Meditation feels great when you actually do it, but when to fit it in is a another story. Yoga is the same... You've tried therapy but it feels stuck in the past and isn't making a shift for today. You do your best to eat well and stay positive... Everything feels like an uphill battle. You work to keep up appearances, cultivating the sunny personality you feel like you 'should' have, but underneath you know your foundation is cracking and crumbling.
You try to embody a life off healthy habits and wellbeing practices, and yet you're still unhealthy, emotionally or physically (hello anxiety, stress, and chronic health stuff). You fantasize about your dream career as a healer and spiritual leader, but your fears stop you from even trying. Your morning affirmations seem promising to start, but in the end they just feel like lies. You've taken numerous courses and trainings, and yet you know you aren't making the impact you feel called to. You know things just feel off-kilter- nothing seem to be clicking into place the way you thought they would.
So what are you missing? The missing piece in your happiness equation is held in your subconscious mind.
In order to manifest the life of your dreams, you have to reach in and clear out the subconscious limiting beliefs and patterns that are holding you back from stepping into your highest potential. You've lived your life up to now buried under your subconscious programming- and your higher self is calling you to step out from under that veil.
Unlocking the power of your Chakras is the KEY to stepping out from the weight of your limiting beliefs and negative patterns and becoming the person you were always meant to be.
It's time to heal from the source. You know this healing is possible- and you're ready to take the next step. You want to start fresh, clearing out your old patterns and make way for the light of your higher self.
But how do you do that?
It all begins with unleashing the power of your Chakras, vibrating at your highest level, and releasing everything that is holding you back.
Root Chakra
Create safety, find your connection to Mother Nature, & step into financial security that you have always desired and deserved.
Sacral Chakra
Heal wounded relationships, discover your creative expression, and become in tune with your sexual nature.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Unapologetically stand in your power and embrace the new confident you once and for all. Take your power back.
Heart Chakra
Love yourself for who you are in every way so you can love everything around you with full acceptance and gratitude.
Throat Chakra
Say what you mean and mean what you say, as well as learn to be a better listener and communicator while standing in your truth and power.
Third Eye Chakra
Receive and understand messages from your higher self and communicate with the other side clearly and accurately.
Crown Chakra
Connect to the spiritual realms at all times, receive divine inspiration, and feel the interconnectedness of all creation.
All of this possible. Through the Chakra Clairvoyance Coaching Certification, you'll be able do all this and more... for yourself AND your clients! Imagine finding healing and abundance in your own life, then stepping into your true calling as a spiritual leader and entrepreneur, using the tools and techniques you learned so deeply during the course to support your clients on their journeys.
Chakra Clairvoyance Coaching has all the tools you need to heal your foundation, step into your higher self, and become a successful energy worker in modern times:
The Path to Becoming a Chakra Clairvoyance Coach
Chakra Mastery
Work with Chakra Coaches as you dive deep into self inquiry and in-depth studies of the 7 Chakra Centers. Become a master of Chakra knowledge while balancing your own energy centers to become the highest version of yourself.
5-D Chakra Upgrades
Look deeply and honestly into your current state of reality, as well as the reality you wish to manifest. Then learn how to collapse timelines to bridge the gap between who you are and who you want to be.
Develop Your Intuition with Shamanic Journeying
Use techniques and exercises that allow your intuition and psychic centers to open. Travel to unseen worlds to get messages from guides and angels so you can be a messenger of truth. Learn how to apply journey work to client sessions.
Chakra Analysis Methodology
See with your mind's eye into a person's Chakras and be able to analyze areas of flow and areas of blockages. Determine which Chakras are causing the greatest imbalances and which areas of their lives are being affected the most.
Spiritual Life Coaching
Learn the art of being a life coach and how to hold space for people to be vulnerable and find true healing. Work with clients to understand their limiting beliefs and set goals to help them work towards their desires.
Bonus Biz Training
Get all the information you need to set up a business, schedule clients, advertise, and get on social media with ease. Get the training you need to be a business owner and get your dream career up and running in your community.
Chakra Clairvoyance
Coach Certification
Sign up for a healing career like no other before it!
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Our only prerequisite?
That you have Reiki Level 1 & 2 under your belt.
As a Chakra Clairvoyant Coach, you will be able to offer Chakra Analysis, Shamanic Meditations, and empowering coaching discussions to allow clients to discover their own Chakra blocks. You'll have the experience you need to offer Chakra activating actions and support clients to continue their Chakra healing journey. You'll be confident in how to offer concise and appropriate feedback to clients while motivating them to let go of their own limiting beliefs.
Not only will you be able to hold this sacred space for your clients, but you will feel empowered knowing that you have successfully walked down the path to heal and find abundance for yourself. You'll be able to feel your solid foundation- and see the results manifest as your life transforms into the life of your dreams.
Anything can happen when you align your Chakras and begin to follow your passion!
Chakra Clairvoyance Coaching empowers you to step into the unknown, diving deep within yourself to heal from the source, unleash your full potential, and step into the life you were meant to live.
Chakra Mastery
Dive deep into self inquiry and personal transformation as you explore the 7 Chakra Centers of the spiritual body. Understand how each Chakra governs different aspects of your life and how these Chakras can become blocked. Receive support from our Reiki Professors (Transformation Guides) and Teachers Assistant (Transformation Guide Apprentice) as you make a journey into healing and spiritual development. This first pillar of the Chakra Clairvoyance Coaching training is essential to becoming an amazing healer. When you find healing in your own life you become a clearer conduit to hold space for others to heal. You'll work through shadow aspects of self, eliminating the mirrored reflection of your reality that is not in your highest alignment. Life becomes more fun, more free, and the manifestation of your desires is effortless. It is only then that you are ready to be a healer and a coach for others.
Shamanic Training
Intuition and psychic development is a key proponent to becoming a Chakra Clairvoyance Coach. Opening the Chakras is essential to having higher access to your own intuition. Work with Shamanic Practitioners Christine Renee and Bruce Taylor as they teach you the ways of Shamanic Journeying. Accessing the Lower World and Upper World of the unseen realities enables you to get clarity and messages for your clients. Practice journeying into unseen realms, discover everything you need to know about these realms, and work with your coaches to develop your intuition with practical exercises. Imagine giving Reiki sessions to clients and also providing them with messages from their guides!
Christine Renee will also teach students all about giving clients a Chakra Analysis- a method she developed to help see into a person's Chakras and give them a better understanding of what is holding them back in each area of life. Learn to tune into a client's Chakras one-by-one and give a detailed analysis of the current state of their energetic system. Get a more wholistic view of the client's energy when you see the whole Chakra system in your mind's eye.
Spiritual Life Coaching
As a Chakra Clairvoyance Coach, you'll learn, embody, and facilitate Neurolinguistic Programing (NLP) inspired techniques to help you become a masterful practitioner. Once combined with the two other pillars, you'll be able to add in Chakra Analysis and give messages from the spirit world- you'll work as a spiritual life coach! As someone who has done the work, found the healing, and created abundance- you can now offer services as a Coach to help others do the same.
Coaches provide space for clients to become self-sourced in their inner wisdom, bringing that to the surface to heal limiting beliefs as well as practical and accountable steps a person can take to make HUGE changes in their lives. Set clients up for success after your sessions together by helping them create attainable goals as well as plans of action to achieve them. Once you and the client understand their Chakra blocks, subconscious negative patterns and more, you can work as their Coach and mentor to help get them get back on track in creating a life that they love.
Video Trainings
Work with your schedule with pre-recorded video trainings that give you the information you need at a time that is the most convenient for you.
Group Coaching
Meet in live online Zoom classes with teachers and students as you learn all about Chakra Clairvoyance Coaching in a setting that is safe and educational.
Practicum Calls
Take your knowledge and put it to action in live practicum calls with fellow students. Have fun working with others and learning through doing.
In-Person Training
Meet in Montana for an in-person training with your coaches and fellow students to put everything you have learned into action. Have fun and enjoy the mountains.
Live Zoom calls are twice a week and include the following:
Coaching Callsoffer group support for your own personal healing as well as provide additional trainings that aren't pre-recorded. These calls will focus on the psychology of the Chakra healing process. Examples may include looking at the Logical Levels of Change as presented by Robert Dilts to fully understand why focusing on identity and beliefs helps change limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviors (Solar Plexus Unit).
Shamanic Training Calls will begin on the basic steps and processes of visiting the Shamanic realms: the Upper World, Lower World, and Middle World. When we've mastered the basic intentional journey work then the trainings will become more elaborate. Each call will include one visit to a Shamanic realm with a specific intention to meet a guide or gain wisdom from a place, direction, Chakra, etc. The more you participate in these live calls and practice on your own with suggested visitations, the easier journeying will become.
Practicum Calls are focused on coaching skills including goal setting, accountability, as well as specific coaching techniques such as Embodying Metaphors, 5D Chakra Upgrades, and so much more! Come prepared to practice!
Reiki Business Accelerator Calls- BONUS (not required!) You will have access to the Reiki Business Accelerator calls with focus on business development and sales strategy. Come learn how to develop your own prosperous offer and effective sales strategy!
Whether you already run your own business or are only beginning to dream of your potential as a healer,
this course is for you!
Your dreams can come true. You can step into alignment to manifest a life of purpose and passion as an energy worker and make a difference in this world.
A typical
Reiki Session
When a client comes into a Reiki session, they come for healing. This may be physical, emotional or spiritual- and as a Reiki practitioner we let go and let the Reiki flow where it may. When the session is done we cross our fingers and hope that they experience some sort of transformation- be it big or little. The client either leaves these sessions satisfied or skeptical. This can cause us as Reiki practitioners to feel incomplete in our ability or feeling doubt about our passion to be a healer. We want to make a true difference in the lives of our clients. We want to know that after a session with us they can go out into the world and find happiness and wholeness. We want to do big things for humanity. But sometimes, Reiki alone just isn't making the impact we desire.
A Chakra Clairvoyance Coaching session
A client comes in for their Chakra Analysis where they come to tears as you tell them areas of their lives that are stagnant or blocked, confirming exactly why they came to you. You then provide them with Reiki and let the healing begin. After the session you are able to connect with their guides, providing them messages that give them the clarity that they have been waiting for. Now that they have a more holistic view of what has been blocking them from manifesting balance in their lives, you can provide them with a space to be honest with themselves, create goals that will set them up for success, and coach them into the next steps towards achieving them. Both you and your client leave the session feeling like you are on the right path and that anything is possible.
It’s time to stop hiding behind your fear, waiting for your dreams to fall into your lap. Take action now and sign up for this training that has the power to transform your life and offer you the career of your dreams.
Have questions? We have answers. Book a free connect call with Coach Christine Renee.
Step into your mission as a spiritual healer while also having a successful business that provides you with the lifestyle you desire.
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Another option is to take one semester at a time:
Fall Semester will primarily focus of the lower Chakras and Shamanic Reiki Practitioner Training to gain clairvoyance skills. You can opt to take just the first semester for $2750. Spring Semester will primarily focus on the upper Chakras, coaching training, and bringing all the pieces together to embody the Chakra Clairvoyant Coach. You must take the Fall Semester as a prerequisite for Spring Semester.
When you sign up for both the Fall and Spring Semester of the Chakra Clairvoyance Coaching Certification you receive the REIKI BUSINESS ACCELERATOR COURSE as a BONUS!
We know the idea of building a business from the ground up can be daunting. You were called to be a healer, not a business manager! Don't worry- we won't leave you in the dust!
This course has everything you need to start a successful business, and walks you through the entire process step-by-step so you can embody the confidence you need to be a successful business owner.
From understanding the backends of setting up your business, to online scheduling software. social media management training, and more- you'll end this business training course with the tools you need to get your business seen by clients both in person and online.
Hear what Melissa Sibio, a current Chakra Clairvoyance Coaching student has to say about her experience only half-way through her training!
Erin Bell explains the many ways this program has changed her life and how she has found a connection to the Divine again. Listen below!
Bruce Taylor is a full-time energy healer in France. He teaches Reiki, Ashtanga Yoga, meditation and pranayama.
He was first attuned in 2006, but felt a deep connection to Chi energy since he was a child. He took his love for teaching to a whole new level when he began energy healing and moved to Hong Kong to become a Reiki Master Teacher.
Bruce now holds master level attunements in Usui Reiki Ryoho, Tibetan, and Kundalini Reiki lineages. He teaches at retreats and trainings all around the world.
Christine Renee
Reiki Master. Chakra Coach, Shamanic Practitioner, ReikiCafe University President
Christine Renee is a Reiki and Chakra Coach whose passion is helping spiritual entrepreneurs break out of the box, step into their authentic selves, and share their unique gifts with their world!
Christine believes that Chakra Coaching will be the next integrated healing practice as we move into the Age of Aquarius. She challenges healing practices which restrains the practitioner's innate spiritual abilities and ties them to rules, manuals, and gurus! She believes in her clients tapping into their own wisdom, mixing modalities, and breaking old paradigms of healing.
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
This program lasts 7 months beginning June 27th, 2021 through January 31st Every month the next Chakra module unlocks so we move through the material as a group!
How long do I have access to the course? What happens if I don't complete on time?
Once the 7 months are up, you will continue to have access to the call replays and all materials. If you don't complete the requirements by the end of our 7 month journey together, you can make arrangements with Christine Renee to complete at additional cost at her hourly rate.
Is there a Certification at the conclusion?
Yes!! You will receive a Chakra Clairvoyance Coaching Certification and will feel confident as a Shamanic practitioner as well.
Do I have to be a Reiki Practitioner to participate in the certification?
It is strongly encouraged! The Chakra Clairvoyance Coaching Certification is for lightworkers who's healing work has begun. The Reiki Level One & Two opens you to concepts and ideas that are built upon during this certification. We do offer Reiki Ryoho Level One and Two Certification here at the ReikiCafe University as well.
Should I expect miracles??
The Chakra Clairvoyance Coaching Certifiation is not for those who want a quick fix for their problems! Band-aids do not work!! If you want your life to change, you have to move out of your comfort zone, take action, and do the work (which can be fun!!) for long-term results! Expect miracles? Miracles happen every day! They show us guidance to take action steps! If you're ready to heal and transform, and put in the work, yes!
How much community and support are provided?
We build a community within the Certification, friendships and collaboration transpire! They start in the Coaching Calls and Practicum Calls and bonds form through our community discussion platform. Each student has a private Welcome Call to personalize their 7 months journey through the Certification along with an Exit Call at the end of the program. Student also receive two 45 minute check-in coaching calls they can use anytime during the 7 month program. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and support one another throughout the process. If you'd like more individual support, check out our +Coaching option!
Chakra Clairvoyance Coach Certification
You’re ready to step into your role as the healer you were meant to be. Join us on this seven-month journey to discover who you truly are, building a solid foundation and rising all the way up to the top of your highest potential. You’ve felt the call. Now all you have to do is answer it.